INFORMATION! in Forsaken AR: Darkest Delivery

forsaken ar

A Fangame inspired on Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery | Forsaken AR: Darkest Delivery 📱⚙️

He is close :O


New update is almost done #fnaf #forsakenar

Oh yeah, do you guys know what Forsaken MR is? I do know, but I just want to see if somebody does know, and maybe might put it as an announcement for other people to see.


Hello, I haven't posted for a while, my team is leaving but I will continue with the project

Let's all say goodbye to Five Nights At Freddy's Ar Special Delivery And over the years this is what i collected bye bye! Fnaf AR

Y'all are gonna get mad tonight so imma say it.

The molten Freddy skin comes out NEXT WEEK. The skin isn't finished yet.

This office may be simple nowadays, but at the time it was a place where we faced the biggest challenges, I miss when I was a child and I would go into the game and hear the noise from the office :)